Project Description
Healing Trauma for LDS Woman
Find a quiet time and place to ponder each lesson. Many people find it best to work through each lesson first thing in the morning or last thing at night.

Module Two – The Path
Abundant Life Exercise
Guilt-Free Intuitive Eating during Trauma
8 Lifestyle Principles of Healing
- Meditation/Prayer
- Fruits & Vegetables
- Protein
- Grains
- Sugars & Artificial
- Water
- Sleep
- Herbs & Nutritional Supplements

Module Three – The Understanding
Abundant Life Exercise
“The Body Keeps the Score”
Effects of Trauma
The Grief Cycle
Learning and Understanding
Set your intentions for growth

Module Five – Loving Boundaries
Abundant Life Exercise
Create a New Life
Introduction to Loving Boundaries
- Romantic Partner
- Children
- Parents and extended family
- Friends
Wrap-up of Module Five

Module Seven – Exercise during trauma
Abundant Life Exercise
Introduction – Stress & Illness during times of trauma
Exercise During Trauma Recovery
Staying fit despite a busy life

Module Eight – Organize & Clarify
Abundant Life Exercise
Setting priorities & untangling the mess
Clean house
Creating a new and better life