Project Description
Healing Trauma
Find a quiet time and place to ponder each lesson. Many people find it best to work through each lesson first thing in the morning or last thing at night.

Module Two – The Path
The truth bomb
How to handle the situation gracefully
Understanding the grief cycle
Baby yourself
Guilt-Free Intuitive eating during trauma

Module Three – Finding Balance
Truth or Lie, “the rest of the story”
Encourage healing
Understanding addiction
Set healthy boundaries

Module Four
Ground & shield yourself from emotional attacks
Clear negative emotions
Weak things become strong
Abundant Life exercise
Set new goals

Module Five
What are Primary foods
Exercise during trauma
Finding your sacred, quiet space to write & discover
Stress & Illness during times of trauma
EFT introduction with or w/o essential oils
Joy therapy

Module Six
When legal issues and questions arise
Organize & clarify your thoughts
Why creating a to-do list is important
Importance of keeping a journal

Module Seven
Clean house
Clear away negative influences
Assessing your relationships
Cutting cords & energetic strings.

Module Eight
Creating a new and better life.
Judge your neighbor.
Who are you? Letting go of labels.

Module Nine
Overcome your false & limiting beliefs
Your support team
Prayer, faith, fasting, connecting w/god
Avoid being overcome by the turmoil & chaos inside your head